a ENT - Allergy, Sinus, Audi



Texas Health Huguley, Medical Office Bldg 3
11797 S. Frwy, Suite 132 Burleson, Texas 76028
Mon - Thurs 8:30-Noon; 1:30-4:30
Friday 8:30-Noon
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Allergy and Immunology

At the SheaENTAllergy Clinic, we provide comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of food and airborne / environmental allergies. We perform testing for the most common allergens found in Central Texas. We offer immunotherapy for the treatment of both food and airborne allergies. 

SheaENT is offering a “SHOT-FREE” allergy care solution by prescribing and administering the patented Allertol® allergy drop solution. In 2012 SheaENT became a certified licensed provider of the Allertol® Protocol. See the Allertol® section for additional information on this unique allergy care solution.

What is Immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy is a program of regular exposures of increasing amounts of extracts of allergens (organic substances which use allergies) to which you are sensitive.  When sufficient relief of your allergy symptoms cannot be achieved with environmental controls and medications, immunotherapy can reduce your sensitivities.  The SheaENT clinic has found this method effective for most food, chronic food, airborne and chronic airborne allergies.

Immunotherapy can be accomplished in 3 ways:  shots, sublingual drops, and more recently tablets (only for certain grasses). 

Allergy shots (Subcutaneous Immunotherapy or SCIT) have been used for decades for allergy sufferers and are covered by most insurance providers.   Weekly shots are given and you are observed for 15 minutes in the office for any severe allergic responses.  Although extremely rare, there is a small risk of anaphylaxis after giving an allergy shot.

Sublingual drops (Sublingual Immunotherapy or SLIT) allows one to self-administer the allergens underneath their tongue.   However, most insurance providers do not cover this because it has not been FDA approved yet.  You are observed in the office for the first two doses to ensure there is no severe reaction.  Subsequently, you will be allowed to self-administer the drops at home.  It is safe and has less risk for anaphylaxis than allergy shots.  It is much more widely used in Europe and has proven safe in European trials.

For more information on immunotherapy see our Allergy FAQs section.


Shea ENT, a Licensed Provider of
Allertol Allergy Drop Solution
Shea ENT Accepts Credit Cards
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